Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weigh Scales..(The one every woman needs)

Like myself and so many of you ladies (and men) hate jumping on the scale thinking in your head that you could not possibly weigh that much and then you slowly see the scale is only going up and it was one of the most depressing moments during the day, believe me i jump in the scale couple of times a day(i know that's not a healthy habit) but i do it and in my mind i think that it should have dropped at least 10 pounds since the last time i was on it:) i was surfing the net and found this GREAT picture, so i thought i would share the wisdom that i have just found! if your feeling a little heavy that day just lay down and relax and weigh yourself the other way around and i tell you, you will start to feel lighter and all around have a better out look on yourself and how much you weigh! thought you all would like this!!
xoxo Enjoy


  1. Oh my I laughed out loud! I will weigh my self like this 22 weeks prego I could use a bit of encouragment from the scale!

    Awsome, thanks for making my day!

  2. I like this! Last time I stepped on a scale, I was holding a frozen organic chicken. Does that really make me chicken? ha ha. Had to weigh the chicken somehow. I think it was 15 lbs! ha ha

  3. Haha this is great! I could sure use this weigh scale technique this week! I've been trapped inside for over a week studying for midterms and writing papers :( It was great to have a laugh! I most certainly feel like I have gained a pound or two but luckily now I won't have to worry about getting on the scale!

    Thanks Kat!

    Love Amanda
