Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Melted chocolate and banana

As you know i'm pregnant and with that being said i am in love with chocolate and bananas, anything that is sweet I'm all about and i need something once or twice a day just to keep me going! i also had another pregnancy moment and cut all my hair off haha..oops and it looks awful, i need to go in and get it cleaned up so i can enter back into the world. You know your thinking a little off when you look in the mirror and think you look so ugly you need to cut your hair off with your husbands beard scissors ...i will post some pictures tomorrow of my lovely new do:)
hope you are all well and do something today that your normally would not think of doing (all good things) and maybe just don't try the cutting off of all your hair part!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Will it be a boy, or will it be a girl

It has come time to tell everyone that we are having our second baby due around October 10Th 2010, if the baby comes on that date it's birthday will be 10,10,10 so that would be kinda cool if that happened.
So far i have been feeling very ill due to morning sickness, i have not been throwing up but i am sick during the night and mornings, i often will feel sick all day and i cant seem to feel any better, with Memphis i only felt a little sick starting in the afternoon into the evening and it was not like this where the only thing that helps me feel any better is eating...and I'm not sure that's such a good thing:) i have been loving apples and cereal and funny what you like while your pregnant! i will soon post pictures of my growing belly....hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our New Home

Here are the new pictures of the house josh and i just bought! its 5 acres in the middle of b.c in a small town called quesnel...yes yes i know...your thinking quesnel but we are not moving for the city we are moving for land and somewhere that has clean air and room for are kids to run around in.
the house is small but has everything we need and wanted, it doesnt looks very nice on the outside out in the field because the its winter and there are horses on it, but soon it will be all green and flowers growing in the summer, this property also backs onto a huge Provencal park and not even a 5 min walk to a wonderful lake for swimming!!! we feel so blessed to be able to have found this place and for all the support of are families during this time so thanks again!
Pray for us as we are to be out by the end of this month and there still is so much happening that it can get a little stressful at times but we know and see gods hand in everything we have done so far.
hope you enjoy looking at the photos!
lots of love

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Beginnings

This week has been a busy one and so many new things have happened!
This week or a little over a week ago are Calgary home sold, my husband left for b.c to look for a new home for us, and one of my best friends Meredith left Calgary, she stayed with us for a couple of days before she left and we had a great time going for walks and just hanging out:) i will miss them but i hope one day we can live in the same city again!
And for us we are moving back to b.c josh has put an offer on a 5 acre property and will know by noon today !! its all set us for horses and even has a riding ring, and also a beautiful lake 1-2 mins away, so i will be able to walk there in the summer time with josh and Memphis( this all makes me sooo happy) and I'm feeling so excited to move out of the city and out to the country where josh and i can raise are family out in the open!
anyways im also sorry for not blogging for awhile i will try to everyday and if not every other
until we leave!
hope you are all well.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weigh Scales..(The one every woman needs)

Like myself and so many of you ladies (and men) hate jumping on the scale thinking in your head that you could not possibly weigh that much and then you slowly see the scale is only going up and it was one of the most depressing moments during the day, believe me i jump in the scale couple of times a day(i know that's not a healthy habit) but i do it and in my mind i think that it should have dropped at least 10 pounds since the last time i was on it:) i was surfing the net and found this GREAT picture, so i thought i would share the wisdom that i have just found! if your feeling a little heavy that day just lay down and relax and weigh yourself the other way around and i tell you, you will start to feel lighter and all around have a better out look on yourself and how much you weigh! thought you all would like this!!
xoxo Enjoy

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Weekend...

So my weekend was a busy one, both saterday and sunday we had to be out of the house so people could walk though it! it's hard seeling your house and having to be out of the house and it to be so clean you could lick the floor it's so clean!
For josh and i who are eating very healthy and have not had to much of anything thats sweet look forward to fridays like you would not beleave! firdays we always go to my in-laws for the best food you could ever have, i tookj my time with eating and enjoyed every bit i had:) we had deep fried yam fries and deep fried chicken!!! YUMMY!!!! and angel food cake with whip and strawberries!! yum!!! it was a very nice night out!!!.
My Son loves i mean LOVES birds and qaucks allllllll the time, its soo cute and both josh and i lovee it! there are some pictures of me standing outside with him, its like before 8 in the morning and we were hunting for birds! and im sure are neighbors loved the yelling of his 'QAUCK QAUCKING' right next to there house:)
We also took him for alittle walk to the park:) we have been leaving the stroller behind and letting him walk, its soo cute and love seeing that little person walk!
hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Walking in the park

Here in calgary the weather has been SO NICE, and anyone with little children would know the feeling of feeling stuck in your house 24-7 you start to go alittle crazy and feel bad the kids never go outside, calgary is so cold thoughout the year so when nice weather hits the streets are full of mothers getting out! My good friend meredith and her very very cute little girl just got home from being away for over a month, its been so nice hanging out and going for walks, here is one of are walks in the park...we had a blast and will try and get out more together!
hope you enjoy!